Kamis, 01 Maret 2012


1.      Jelaskan proses Sales Order!
Create Sales Order tahapan pertama pada proses sales and distribution (mini case study) adalah create sales order. Dalam SAP-ERP sistem, order type dikasifikasikan menjadi berbagai macam order type, pada kesempatan ini kita menggunakan order type standard order. Material T-F125 (pump precision) termasuk dalam sales organization 1000 (germany Frankfurt) dan distribution channel menggunakan final customer sales. Berdasarkan informasi yang di dapat dari customer, tahapan selanjutnya adalah melakukan identifikasi pembuatan sales order. Rohrer09 merupakan customer dari produk ini dimana data untuk identifikasi customer rohrer09 sudah terdapat dalam database perusahaan. Standard order yaitu 5000009 yang akan digunakan pada tahapan selanjutnya untuk proses delivery order dan PO Number adalah PUMP-09. permintaan dari customer adalah material T-F125 (pump precision) sebanyak 200 PC.
2.      Bagaimana proses Sales Order diintegrasikan kedalam SAP?
mySAP ERP menyediakan wawasan yang unggul dan dapat membantu proses penjualan back office, termasuk: inquiris, kuota, generasi pemesanan, kontrak dan siklus manajemen penagihan.

3.      Apa kunci keberhasilan proses bisnis dalam aspek pemasaran?
inti pemasaran adalah penciptaan nilai yang lebih finggi bagi konsumen daripada nilai yang diciptakan oleh pihak pesaing. Strategi usaha yang cocok dengan konsep tersebut adalah memproduksi barang dan jasa apa yang bisa dijual dan bukan menjual barang dan jasa apa yang bisa diproduksi. Strategi pertama sangat tepat dan sesuai dengan inti pemasaran, sedangkan strategi kedua tidak tepat karena tidak memperhatikan kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen.
4.      Jelaskan dukungan mySAP ERP terhadap sales back office
·         Dimulai dengan kegiatan penjualan pra, pindah ke penciptaan sales order,
·         Dilanjutkan dengan fullfillment sales order
·          Dan berakhir dengan faktur dari pesanan penjualan dan proses paralel dari penciptaan posting di akuntansi keuangan.

5.      Jelaskan siklus sales order management
·         Sales order
·         Availability check
·         outbond deliverd
·         Transportation
·         Picking
·         Goods issue
·         Billing
·         payment processing
6.      Jelaskan sales order creation and availability check
The sales order can adopt information the pre-sales documents. Sales scheduling agreements or sales contracts can also be created with reference to a sales prder and are supported by the sales process steps.
7.      Sumber data untuk sales order document
8.      Jelaskan kegiatan selama melakukan sales order creation sehubungan dengan availability check
During sales order creation, the system can carry out basic function :
·         Monitoring sales transaction
·         Checking for availability
·         Transferring requirement to MRP
·         Scheduling delivery
·         Calculating pricing and taxes
·         Checking credit limits
·         Creating printed or electronically transmitted documents
Depending on how the system is configured, these basic function may be completely automated pr may require some manual processing.
9.      Jelaskan delivery and goods issue
An outbound delivery is the basic for a process when the goods are physically moved as well as for  the posting of the goods issue. Picking can be fulfilled through the use of the warehouse management system and transportation can be planned and carried out.
10.  Jelaskan picking dalam hubungannya dengan warehosue management system dan transportation
Picking can be fulfilled through the use of the warehouse management system and transportation can be planned and carried out.
11.  Jelaskan billing
As the final step in the sales process, an invoice is issued, which must also be reflected in accounting.
12.  Bagaimana hubungannya dengan akuntansi? 
Hubungannya: dalam Billing maka akan dikeluarkan faktur, dan faktur itulah harus tercermin didalam akuntansi.

13.  Jelaskan sales order
During sales order creation, the system can carry out basic function :
•    Monitoring sales transaction
•    Checking for availability
•    Transferring requirement to MRP
•    Scheduling delivery
•    Calculating pricing and taxes
•    Checking credit limits
•    Creating printed or electronically transmitted documents
Depending on how the system is configured, these basic function may be completely automated pr may require some manual processing.

14.  Fungsi-fungsi dasar dalam Sales Order
·         Monitoring sales transaction
·         Checking for availability
•          Transferring requirement to MRP
•          Scheduling delivery
•          Calculating pricing and taxes
•          Checking credit limits
•          Creating printed or electronically transmitted documents
15.  Jelaskan delivery
Shipping is an important part of the logistic chain
16.  Jelaskan prosesnya
·         Taking into account general business agreements with your customer
·         Recording special material request
·         Defining shipping conditions on the sales order
17.  Jelaskan fungsi-fungsi shipping
·         Deadline monitoring for reference documents due for shipment
·         Creating and processing outbound deliveries
·         Packing deliveries
·         Information support for transformation planning
·         Supporting foregein trade requirements
·         Printing and transmitting shipping documents
·         Processing good issue
·         Deliveries currently in process
·         Activities that are still to be carried out
·         Identifying possible bottlenecks
18.  Jelaskan seluruh aktifitas dalam shipping
In its role as central object of the goods issue process, outbound delivery supports all shipping activities, including picking,packing, transformation, and goods issue.
19.  Jelaskan outbound delivery document
The most commonly used document used to support delivery process
20.  Jelaskan shipping activity
Such us picking or delivery scheduling.
21.  Bagiamana dengan shipping plaining information
22.  Membuat outbound delivery bisa berdasarkan lima dasar yaitu
·         Referensi ke sales order,
·         Dengan mengacu pada suatu tatanan transportasi saham,
·         Dengan mengacu pada suatu tatanan subkontrak,
·          Dengan mengacu pada sebuah proyek,
·         Tanpa referensi apapun.

23.  Jelaskan picking delivery
The picking process involves taking goods from a storage location and staging the goods in a picking area where the goods will be prepared for shipping.
24.  Jelaskan picking functions
System setting will alow picking to be carried out :
·         Automatically
·         Routinely
·         Manually
25.  Bagiaman dengan picking status?
Is recorded in each delivery item for purpose of scheduling and monitoring.
26.  Jelaskan the warehouse management system
Is fully integrated in the logistics execution system (LES).
27.  Jelaskan goods issue posting function
The outbound delivery forms the basic goods issue posting. The data required for goods issue posting is copied from the outbound delivery in the goods issue document, which cannot be changed manually.
28.  Fungsi-fungsi yang dijalankan ketika melakukan posting goods issue
·         Warehouse stock of the material is reduced by the delivery quantity
·         Value changes are psoted to the balance sheet account in iinventory accounting
·         Requirements are reduced bya the delivery quantity
·         The serial number status is updated
·         Goods issue posting is automatically recorded in the document flow
·         Stock determination is executed for the vendor’s consignment stock
·         A worklist for the proof of delivery is generated
29.  Jelaskan tiga cara melakukan posting goods issue
·         Automatically
·         Routinely
·         Manually
30.  Jelaskan billing
Billing represents the final processing stage for a business transaction in sales order processing. Information on billing is available at every stage of order processing and delivery processing.
31.  Jelaskan billing functions
·         Creation of invoice base on deliveries or services
·         Issue of credit and debit memos and pro forma invoices
·         Canceling billing transactions
·         Comprehensive pricing functions
·         Issue rebates
·         Transfer billing data to financial accounting
32.  Bagiaman integrasi billing dengan struktur organisasi
You can assign the billing transactions a specific sales organization, a distribution channel, and a division.
33.  Bagaimana melakukan billing documents
·         With the reference to a sales order document
·         With the reference to a delivery document
·         With the reference to external transaction
·         By having the system automatically process a billing due list as a background task
·         By manually processing from a worklist
·         By creating a billing document explicitly
·         By combiningseveral sales order documents into collective billing document
·         By billing one or more sales order documents with several billing documents
·         By creating an individual billing document for every sales document
34.  Bagaimana hubungan antara billing dan akuntansi keuangan
The system automatically posts the amounts to the appropriate accounts by means of account determination.
35.  Cost and revenue can be posted dengan beberapa cara
·         Customer account receivable
·         General ledger
·         Revenue
·         Sales deductions
·         Accruals
·         Accrual account
·         Accrual clearing account
36.  Jelaskan document flow 
The sales documents you create are individual documents, but they can also form part of chain of interrelated documents.

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